allowNSFW workaround for RES v4.6

Generate CSS snippet from filteReddit allowNSFW option

allowNSFW workaround


filteReddit allowNSFW allows you to still see NSFW posts from certain subreddits when RES's NSFW filter is turned on. This is useful for subreddits that use the NSFW flag for spoilers, solved, or jokes.

RES v4.6.0 and v4.6.1 broke allowNSFW. Sorry, folks! This workaround takes your list of subreddits for allowing NSFW posts and converts them into a CSS snippet which overrides the nsfw filter. Caveat: this wizard does not support "when browsing subreddit/multi-subreddit".

Before you start: Back up your settings!

Get settings

  1. Copy this text:
  2. Go to
  3. Launch the RES command line: press period or open the RES settings for Command Line and press the Launch button.
  4. Paste in the RESStorage... from above and press enter. A pop-up will appear.
  5. Copy all the text from that pop-up.
  6. Close the pop-up.

Save updates

  1. Copy this:
  2. Open the RES settings for Stylesheet Loader - Snippets.
  3. Add a new row (click the Add Row button). If you've done this already, edit the snippet you created before.
  4. Paste in the snippet from above.
  5. Save settings.


All done. After upgrading to RES v4.7, you can delete the CSS snippet.

If you want to add more subreddits:

  1. Add subreddits to filteReddit allowNSFW
  2. Save your settings
  3. Use this wizard again, but update the existing snippet instead of adding a new snippet.